Refund Policy

At VigorFoods Inc., your satisfaction with our products and service is our top priority. If you feel the need to request a refund, credit, or replacement, here’s how you can proceed:

 1. **Quality Concerns:**

   If the quality of our goods does not meet your expectations.

 2. **Delivery Issues:**

   If you believe an item that was in stock has not been delivered as expected.


**Steps to Request a Refund, Credit, or Replacement:**

Should you have any concerns regarding the quality or delivery of your items, we ask that you get in touch with VigorFoods Inc. within 24 hours of the scheduled delivery time. This prompt communication enables us to efficiently address and resolve your concerns.


**Return of Goods:**

Please note that we are unable to arrange pick-ups for items not returned at the time of delivery. However, you are welcome to return the products directly to us. Once we receive the returned goods, we will assess your claim and proceed accordingly with a refund, credit, or replacement as deemed appropriate.


Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are committed to ensuring you enjoy the best possible experience with VigorFoods Inc.

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