How to cook the perfect dry aged steak

Summers are made for the grill, but what’s a steak lover to do when the weather’s too cold or wet? Just cook them indoors, indeed pan-seared steaks have several distinct advantages over grilled steaks. While grilling will get you the perfect rapid-fire crust and a smokey aroma which excellently underscores the taste components, the even golden brown crust you can develop in a hot cast-iron pan really accentuates the flavour of the beef itself, letting it shine.

On top of that, pan-searing affords you the opportunity to add your own flavorings in the form of aromatics.

Whatever your cooking preference, there’s no room here for overcooked and dry meat – so much time and effort has been spent in the dry-aging process, don’t throw it all away!

Preparation is Key

Before cooking, dry aged steaks should rest at room temperature for at least 30 – 60 minutes before they are placed in the pan or on the grill. Rub the steak all over with a good lug of olive oil and a good pinch of sea salt and black pepper.

During Cooking

Aim to cook your steak medium-rare to medium, any more and you’ll be left with a tough piece of meat, turning it every minute or so will make sure you get a really even cook. For more flavour you can halve a garlic clove and rub over the steak every time you turn it, or brush with a herb stick such as thyme or rosemary, or simply rub with a knob of butter, the sweetness from the butter will make it taste divine!

After Cooking

Even when the finished steak comes back from the pan, it will still need to rest, and this should be for about 5 minutes before serving. After resting, rub with a little extra virgin olive oil or butter for an incredible, juicy steak. Everyone has their favourite ways to eat steak – with chips and a crisp green salad, with pepper or a horseradish sauce or even a simple fresh salsa verde to cut right through it.

How to Pan Fry your Dry Aged Steak

Beef prefers a strong heat during the preparation, this is not just for dry aged steaks. The sharp frying develops smokey toasted aromas and the outside of the meat becomes beautifully crisp. So if choosing to fry your steak, your pan needs to be properly heated up, and should be heat-resistant.

Every element dictates the end result. So use a high-quality pan (stainless steel models or cast iron), then you’re well on your way to succeeding in a great steak dinner. When using cast iron pans, the dry age steaks do not stick in it either.

How to Grill your Dry Aged Steak

The appliance is key, so try using radiant technology: with infrared grills you can achieve the perfect steak sear. Start by setting the temperature up to 800°C, heating up for 3 minutes and searing on each side for 2 – 2.5 minutes (per side) in no time it will become a very regular main course for you.

By heating up so high, and using radiant technology – heating the meat from above, it retains up to 35% more of its own natural juices, delivering that tender, mouth-watering steak experience you’ve literally been waiting for.

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